Trip Zero (short for Triple Zero) Penny Stocks are the lowest valuation of any stock on the Pink Sheets.
The Pink Sheets are a trading platform for stocks that are traditionally disqualified from the major stock exchanges when their value dips below $1.00/share.
The suggestion is to incentivize advertising and marketing spend by the community by rewarding TRIP Miles at a rate of .0001, or 1000/1000th's of a PENNY.
Each penny spent is Rewarded at (1000 X 1/1000th of a penny, so:
$1 earns 100,000 TRIP Miles
$10 earns 1,000,000 TRIP Miles
$100 earns 10,000,000 Miles
$1000 earns 100,000,000 Miles.*
*Bonus Incentives/competitions could be implemented.
Vendors and agencies should be incentivized, so a Rewards Sharing scheme such as the one that currently rewards Referrers, Riders and Drivers for rides taken should be implemented.
Rewards seekers would have a (digital) mechanism to document reward claims which would include the relevant data about the spend: a visual/image of the promotion, type of advertising (digital, print, broadcast, outdoor, etc), business name and contact information of vendors or agencies from whom purchased, date of purchase, amount of spend, etc.
This data is useful to the collective enterprise as a performance benchmark for the type of advertising/promotional value and efficacy of each campaign.
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